Paul Laurendeau

Love, oh Love….

In Quote on June 10, 2009 at 5:47 pm


Love of the Worlds
Oh, love…
You open her to endlessness
You make her break her pillars
And launch all her searches
For the core of you, Worlds.

Love of the Worlds
You make her struggle, stride, fight.
I -but who am I- see her.
She is standing there, so close to me
All winded
Her breath whistling, her eyes sparkling
Her breast throbbing.
Radiant of grace and strength.

She is just about to dive again
With one closed fist, and one opened hand
With statuesque features
With will.
What thirst will she quench?
Where will she run, or fly?
Whose heart will she tear apart?
What worlds…

Love of the Worlds
Love, oh love…
Open her to endlessness
Lead her towards her random inquiries
Bring her back, away, back again.

Love of the Worlds
Open her to me.

The worlds they love